QED 2016

QED 31-7.2012-2


Announcing Quizzing Entirely for Doctors ’16 (QED)
PIE is back with the third edition of a unique quiz created specially for the medical fraternity on 6th, 13th and 20th November!
Quizzing Entirely for Doctors (QED) reminds us that there is something more to us doctors that just medicine. Here at PIE, we call it ‘juxtamedicine’ – a collection of jaw-dropping, frontal-lobe tickling facts that link medicine-related trivia to entertainment, pop culture, politics, travel and more! Did you know that Michelangelo got Adam’s anatomy wrong in the Sistine Chapel when he painted an umbilicus when none should have been there? Or that the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai was converted into a hospital during World War I? QED’s objective is not only to test knowledge, but to engage and entertain in what has been commended as a first-of-its-kind peer teaching method!
QED is a biannual event conceived and conducted by Mumbai based consulting physician Dr. Tushar Shah, and executed under the aegis of PIE (Platform for Intelligent Edutainment), an initiative involved in organising literary and cultural encounters with the medical fraternity.
QED is a team event. Each two-member team can compete in one or both of the qualifying rounds on 6th and 13th November. The top four scoring teams from each qualifying round will make it into the finale on 20th November. For the finale, the selected eight teams will be required to add a third member of their choice to the team. The original two members must remain constant, and the third must be a practitioner/student who may or may not have participated in the qualifying rounds. Thus, the finals will be played in teams of three, and end in one team being crowned the champions of QED 2016!
The event is free and open for all medical and dental practitioners and students. Each participant is required to register individually. 
Event Details:
Venue: St. Andrew’s Auditorium, Bandra (W), Mumbai
Dates: 1st Qualifying Round: 6th Nov 2nd Qualifying Round: 13th Nov Finale: 20th Nov
Time (on all days): 9 am – 1 pm To register on the spot, please arrive with your partner at the venue at 8.30 am.
We also heartily welcome medical and non-medical audience members, who – as participant observers of the competition and active partakers of our ‘Frequent Audience Questions’ (FAQs) – will be kept entertained throughout!
Any queries? Call PIE at 9820089743 or 9820067487, or mail us at speak2us@pie.net.in.
Do share this information with your medical associations, colleges, colleagues, students and professors, and help us spread the word!
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